Lagu ini ada di album pertama mereka yang berjudul "No Name Face" yang juga berisi lagu jagoan mereka yang berjudul "Hanging by The Moment" dan "Everything".
Kalo bisa dibilang, lagu ini secara melodic-nya kena banget. Memang terasa agak melankolis, tapi bagi penggemar lagu slow, gak bakalan bosen deh ngedengerinnya, sampe kapan pun.
di youtube, ada fans lifehouse yang khusus bikin video yang memuat lagu ini, disesuaikan dengan tema "Simon". Salah satunya adalah cerita tentang Alicia dan Clark dari serial TV "Smallville". Keren banget dah, nih video...
"Simon" Tidak pernah diperhitungkan sebagai suatu hits kala waktu itu. tetapi karena banyak fans mereka yang suka dengan lagu ini, Lifehouse sering memainkannya di konser-konser live mereka. dibawah ini adalah salah satu contohnya.
Adalah sang Vokalis Jason Wade yang menulis lagu ini terinspirasi dari cerita masa kecil temannya :
"I wrote this about a friend of mine who told me about his childhood. He was telling me how he went to school and was the outcast and everyone picked on him and called him names, and he didn't have one friend. I started feeling the same emotions he must have felt and just started writing these lyrics. I think some of the stuff from [growing up in] Hong Kong might have been related to that, not having any friends at that age and being, as a family, the outcast in a different culture. The feeling of being alone, of being abandoned, connects to that. So 'Simon' came really easily. I wrote it in about 15 minutes. These lyrics just poured out and I wrote them down and recorded it on the spot," says Jason.
1 comment:
slam knal bos...
intro lagu simon kren bos..
lagu lifehouse yg paling fenomenal walaupun g' ada video clipnya menurut gw "everything"...
sedangkan the bestnya "blind"
btw... reff hanging by a moment mirip" topengnya peterpan yh...
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